Instructions for use Alfazone

In France, a new method of increasing potency has been approved - capsule Alfazone. This medication is available in capsules with a dissolvable shell. The unique formula is based on the natural ingredients of medicinal plants, ensuring the safety of the product. The active substance is cumulative, therefore, in order to achieve the desired effect, the capsules must be taken according to the instructions.

How to use Alfazone

Alfazone is a soluble capsule

For the treatment of erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to take one tablet in the morning and evening before or after meals, and drink plenty of airless water. Depending on the form and severity of the ED, a course of treatment can begin in 30 days. To prevent the drug can be continued for 10-15 days, one tablet per day. To stimulate an erection before sexual intimacy, you need to drink two capsules 15-20 minutes before the intended act.

Indications for the use of Alfazone capsules:

Erectile dysfunction and decreased libido can have different causes, but there are many signs that can identify a problem. The indications for taking Alfazone are:

  • weak or unattractive;
  • Erections disappear sooner or later;
  • There is too long between the start of sex and an erection;
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm, pleasure itself is gently expressed;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • decreased semen output;
  • Impossible to repeat the movement after a short break;
  • Erection is quick but disappears before action;
  • Complete impotence.

Contraindications to Alfazone Capsules

Not recommended for those under 18 (only after puberty). Although no allergic reactions have been found in clinical trials, those with individual intolerances to one of the ingredients of the composition (damian, ginseng, or zinc) are advised not to use the capsules. Furthermore, they cannot be used in the presence of urogenital neoplastic diseases.